1st International Conference on Business Diplomacy, Zwolle, The Netherlands, 4th December 2015. Organised by Windesheim University of Applied Sciences in collaboration with the Netherlands Institute of International Relations Clingendael, University of Gent, DiplomacyDialogue (Geneva)

Theme: Global Legitimacy Challenges for International Companies and Strategic business diplomacy

DeustoMeetingDeusto Meetings on Business Diplomacy – “BUSINESS DIPLOMACY AS A NEW VALUE LEVER”. Bilbao, 14 May, 2014. Organised by The University of Deusto, Bilbao

The Meeting on Business Diplomacy, hosted by the University of Deusto, mainly focused global views of the concept of Business Diplomacy, and provided business and organisational managers attending them with the necessary tools and skills to improve the management of their international activities and implementations.

2nd Workshop on Business Diplomacy: Managing Non-Market Corporate Relationship Capital. Brussels, 2nd October, 2009.

This workshop was buildt on findings of first workshop held at EIASM on 13-14 November 2008. The second workshop consisted of further deepening of research into sector specific application of Business Diplomacy.

2009EIASM1st Workshop on Business Diplomacy: Managing Non-Market Corporate Relationship Capital. Brussels, 14th November, 2008.

Global companies must be competitive in the business they are in and at the same time show dexterity in managing multiple stakeholders at home and abroad. Companies need increasingly to be equipped with new competencies in dealing successfully with obstacles emanating from outside of their direct sphere of control. Often these operational obstacles outside of the “normal” business transactions stem from complex sets of relationships in an ever changing business landscape.